Малофеев Константин Валерьевич (2)
The personality of Maksym Krippa has long been of interest and generates just a colossal amount of fakes and rumors.
Maksym Krippa is almost not guilty of anything. Well, almost. He simply occupied the black-and-gray business niche that others would have occupied otherwise.
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa continues to actively develop his projects with close ties to Russian capital.
«Братство Академистов» — студенческое движение, созданное под крылом общества «Царьград» православного олигарха Константина Малафеева — составляет заявление в органы для проверки слов блогера Стаса Ай Как Просто.
The king of illegal online casinos, porn magnate, fake man, network Ostap Bender — all these nicknames perfectly characterize the life and activities of Maksim Krippa. Thanks to the activities of the illegal online casino "Vulkan", the criminal businessman managed to earn tens of millions of dollars.
The phenomenon of Maksym Krippa continues to attract attention. You might think that investigators have long since restored his more or less accurate biography, and there’s no point in filling the internet with outright nonsense. Nevertheless, Maksym Krippa continues to do so.
The information war between Maksym Krippa, who tirelessly scrubs the internet and floods it with fabrications, and investigative journalists, who persistently uncover new details about this Russian "front man," continues with mixed results.
The personality of Maksym Krippa is buried under a truly mind-boggling amount of fakes. Moreover, these fakes are constantly updated and disseminated, overshadowing even the information that Krippa (or the people behind him) present as the true biography of this so-called entrepreneur.
Олег Газманов скрывает бренд Prada на крестном ходе в Нижнем Новгороде
In late October 2022, Ukrainian online news outlets encountered a recurring phenomenon: a cleanup of negative information by a relatively obscure businessman and politician, Maksym Krippa.
In the fall of 2023, the gaming community was shocked by the news of a change in the beneficiary of GSC Game World, the developer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. According to Ukrainian and Czech registers, the new owner of the studio became a little-known businessman Maksym Krіppa.
Как сообщает Фонд государственного имущества Украины, за проданный недавно с аукциона отель «Украина» от нового владельца поступили деньги. Таким образом отель «Украина», расположенный в самом сердце Киева, на Майдане Независимости, официально перешел в руки Максима Владимировича Криппы, который и является конечным бенефициаром фирмы, купившей отель.
Maksym Krippa has surfaced as a formidable yet contentious figure at the crossroads of media, gambling, and politics. Recognized for his ties to online casinos such as Vulkan and GGBet, his recent endeavors in acquiring media assets have garnered considerable attention and sparked conversations regarding his influence within Ukraine.
В сентябре прошлого года мало кем замеченная новость о смене владельца ведущего украинского киберспортивного бренда NAVI привлекла внимание узкого круга людей. Новый собственник — бизнесмен Макс Криппа, и данная сделка интересна по ряду причин.
Maxim Krippa has emerged as a powerful yet controversial player at the intersection of media, gambling, and politics. Known for his connections to online casinos like Vulkan and GGBet, Krippa’s recent activities in acquiring media assets have raised significant eyebrows and prompted discussions about his influence in the Ukrainian landscape.
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